So the cover for the second East End Irregulars book, Dismal Tide, has progressed enough that I’m OK with sharing a preview. This cover has been tough, not in the painting of it, but in deciding what should go on it. Mike and I were back and forth a dozen times before we decided, and […]
Picture Pwednesday – East End Irregulars Book 2 Preview
So as you fine folks hopefully know, Mike and I are hard at work on the second East End Irregulars book. We’ve got most of the writing done now, and I’m burying myself in drawings of Torrent, Mysterious X, and a whole bunch of other characters that you’ll get to meet. That said, here’s a […]
Adieu, Dr. Mirabilis

I just read of Sir Christopher Lee’s passing at the age of 93. Of course, I did not know him personally, but even so I can’t help but feel a bit melancholy. By all accounts, Sir Christopher lead an exciting and successful life and lived to a venerable age, so there is, perhaps, less reason […]