In case you missed it, Shell and I were on Geek Gab this Saturday to talk about weird and disappointing video games, our successful Kickstarter, and our future plans for the Ascension Epoch (hint: new novels and RPG books coming soon!). Also, Bradford C. Walker, author of the Star Knight Saga (check it out here), […]
Free Cities talks House of Refuge, Salamander Six, and Ascension Epoch

On the off chance you haven’t gotten fed up with hearing Shell and I interviewed about our books, you’ll want to tune into Anthony Caprio’s excellent Free Cities podcast, especially if you are of a libertarian persuasion. In this episode, we focus primarily on our non-superhero stories, House of Refuge and Salamander Six. We also […]
Between the Covers: Ascension Epoch Interview

Here’s the recording of last night’s Between the Covers podcast. We talked to YA author and fellow LFA member Tracy Lawson about The Dismal Tide, teen superheroes more generally, and why and how we decided to make Ascension Epoch open source.
All aboard! Shell and Mike interviewed on The Roundhouse

We had a fantastic (but frigid) time at Steampunk unLimited at the Strasburg Rail Road a few weeks ago, and one of the highlights was our interview with Nick, host of The Roundhouse, a podcast about railroading. What could a couple of superhero authors possibly say to interest railroading enthusiasts? Well, a lot, we hope! […]
Our interview on Libertopia
Shell and I were interviewed over at Libertopia. We talked about a range of topics, like what it’s like working together as husband and wife and why we release under Creative Commons to why we dislike “message fiction” and how Blue Oyster Cult and 1980s X-Men comics influenced our stories. After you’re done reading the […]