Ascension Epoch

‘Between the Covers’ talks teen superheroes

Between the Covers is a podcast hosted by Tracy Lawson, author of the YA adventure books Counteract and Resist. On Wednesday, January 6th at 9:30 EST, Shell and Mike from Ascension Epoch will join her to discuss their own YA adventure series, the East End Irregulars, and whatever other interesting topics come up. Undoubtedly, a lot of time will be given to The Dismal Tide, but hopefully we’ll also be able to discuss the allure of superheroes (and especially teen superheroes), why dystopia rules YA (and remember, Ascension Epoch is NOT a dystopia!), and the popularity of libertarian themes in YA.

We invite you to head over to Tracy’s website to read more about her fiction and non-fiction, and then join us on Wednesday evening for the live cast and discussion on (You don’t need to be a member of to watch).

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